I think I'm SICK
No seriously. I really think something is wrong with me! My crush is my ex uncle. LOL. No but for real my aunt used to date a guy. I always thought he was so fine. He ended up cheating on my aunt and married the woman he cheated on her with. His kids and I are particularly close, they are al ot younger than me, but they consider me their big cousin. I did their hair back in the day, babysat them, cooked. My aunt couldn't cook a lick!
Either way, his youngest daughter is a student @ Spelman, I take her to lunch and shopping often, she tells everyone I am her cousin because I somehow consider her to be, although her father and my aunt no longer date. She told me last week her dad was in town. I haven't seen him in ages, so I met them for dinner. When I tell you he was FINER THAN HE EVER WAS!
He gave me a hug and his body was so rock hard. I got a chill through my spin. Of course he is married why me But later that night I had a dream about him. I had a dream that we were married and everyone wanted to know how he married someone 20 years younger than him. But I was his prize! lol. Too funny. I am hilarious! That man is fine though, if he ever tried to contact me I wouldn't even think twice married or not
I have to go do some work now..
Until Then I am
I think we have all had those not quite right crushes. I have one on someone who is like my 3rd cousin by marriage but not quite really cousins.
Bad, very bad.
let me know when you update, I'd like to read these on the blackberry when I'm moving around.
LOL...its all good. I had a crush on my cousin I met in Cleveland once...my sister disowned me that whole summer,LOLOL.he was fine and I was SICK. cute post.
where are you sbf??
I am here! About to update!
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